预售: open to booking; advance boo ...期货: futures; forward销售: sell; market; marketing定货销售: sold on order现货销售: sell on the spot; spot sale船上交货销售: ex ship sale存货销售比率: inventory-sales ratio存货销售天数: days sales in inventory; number of days sale in inventory存货销售周期: number of days’ sales in inventory存货销售的影响: effects of inventory errors存货销售率指数: indexes of inventory-sales现货销售 现金销售 现卖 现销: cashsale预售: open to booking; advance booking 预售车票 tickets open to booking; 所有的票将在3天前预售。 all bookings will be made 3 days in advance太平洋百货销售及管理表单: rar预售量: scheduled sales quantity预售票: pre-sale of ticket期货: [经] futures; forward 做期货交易 deal in futures; 期货汇率 forward exchange rate; 期货合同 futures contract; forward contract; 期货汇兑合同 forward exchange contract; futures exchange contract; 期货汇率 forward rate; 期货价格 forward price; futures price; 期货交易 dealing in futures; futures trading; forward trading; forward business; futures business; 期货交易所 futures exchange; 期货卖方抢购 short squeeze; 期货市场 terminal market; futures market; option market; forward market; market for futures; 期货选择买卖市场 option market; 期货溢价 contango; 期货佣金商 futures commission merchant 楼花预售: pre-sale of uncompleted flats商品房预售: forward purchasing for commodity houses预售车票: tickets open to booking预售楼花: pre-sale of uncompleted flats预售楼宇: forward sale of flats; pre-sale of flats预售票处: reservation office预售认购: pre-sale purchase预售书券制: prepaid coupon system